
American Healthcare Leader, Issue 2, 2021

The People Priority Issue

Managing Editor: KC Esper

Photo Editor: Cass Davis

Senior Designer: Vince Cerasani

Cover Image: Jeremy Kramer

Step into the shoes of your employees . . .

For many companies, making employees feel safe, seen, and taken care of only extends as far as an online HR portal with a set selection of benefits offerings. But what if the business plan was built around the people, rather than the other way around? What if employees were prioritized above the bottom line? This issue highlights leaders who drive better business solutions by putting their people at the forefront of their strategies.

First Impressions

Tone: open, modern, fresh, personable

Colors: white, royal blue, magenta, sea foam green, orange, tan, light pink

Sections: The Issues, The Business, The Feature, On the Cover

Purpose: maximize design elements to accompany and amplify narratives


“Nurses were trying to get a pulse and my blood pressure in my extremities, and they couldn’t get anything. It turns out I had two liters of fluid buildup in my pericardium, the sack around your heart, and it was compressing down on the organ. They say if I had gone to sleep that night, I probably wouldn’t have woken up.”

Issue 2, 2021 feature story: Mark Miller, UNC Health Care

“Whether it’s financial services, manufacturing, or now healthcare, most people want the same things. They want to be treated fairly. They want to be paid fairly and to be recognized for the contributions they make to their business. It really transcends most, if not all, industries.”

Issue 2, 2021 narrative: Lisa Jacoba, Global Medical Response


“Every time [our CEO] speaks to us, the first question is ‘How are our employees doing?’ She is not asking about how they are doing at their jobs. She’s asking if they have everything that they need to get through these difficult times.”

Issue 4, 2020 narrative: Brennan Torregrossa, GlaxoSmithKline


American Healthcare Leader, Issue 1, 2021


American Healthcare Leader, Issue 3, 2021